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How do I achieve optimum hedging of my stocks?

In the past, there were various ways of insuring warehouses and their contents. In principle, it is possible to obtain coverage for warehouses and their contents not only through property insurance but also through cargo insurance.

The reason for this is that transport insurance is an all-risk insurance. Traditional property insurance differentiates between various types of damage caused by natural forces and theft – in the area of transport insurance, there is no differentiation: what is broken is broken, what is missing is missing; whatever the cause, the policyholder receives compensation. Even simple theft is automatically covered. This transport cover includes, for example, storage cover of ten million, which property insurance can then build on. This is why many customers used this model – however, this approach is no longer as straightforward to implement. As insurers are refraining from covering risks in this way, there are capacity problems in the transport insurance segment. The requirements increase by the usual conditions that also have to be met in property insurance.

Our solution

The underwriting agent ATRALOsecur, which like deas is part of the Ecclesia Group, specializes in marine insurance and has developed an effective approach: a questionnaire that queries the requirements of the insurance companies and, with which, in the event of a positive evaluation, the customer can obtain blanket coverage of over 15 to 20 million euros. Several insurers have already been won over for this process.


Handling of vulnerable goods and warehouses

However, this approach is only suitable for goods in storage that are not considered critical, because so-called vulnerable goods and warehouses are subject to more intensive scrutiny and negotiation with insurers. If the stored products are particularly at risk of theft, as is often the case with warehouses belonging to online retail giants, for example, the operator's theft protection must be as high as possible in order to obtain affordable coverage. This includes, among other things, a high-quality alarm system and a direct connection to the nearest police station.

Procedure for goods at risk of fire

Another challenge is goods at risk of fire. The requirements for this are higher, since, for example, the installation of a high-performance sprinkler system and fire detectors are necessary. In the medical sector, it is not uncommon for logistics warehouses to contain refrigerated goods that need to be stored at temperatures as low as -80° Celsius. Here, the risk carrier also takes a close look: Is the warehouse equipped accordingly? Is there an emergency power generator in case of a power outage?

Do you also have goods in storage that you would like to insure in the best possible way? Our experts at ATRALOsecur never shy away from a risk and have so far found a solution for every situation. If you would also like to benefit from our decades of expertise, please contact us. We will be happy to advise you.